
This page lists the main songs I have written and recorded over the last 45+ years.

Many other song ideas remain discarded or incomplete. They still pop into my head from time to time, and may one day be reworked and incorporated into my future recordings.

When I listen to the recordings I am taken back to a particular place and time for each song, like the 'studio' underneath the floorboards in Jim Moginie's parent's house where I recorded drums and organ in 1979, or my sequencer, keyboard and drum machine 'studio' concealed in the wardrobe of our guest bedroom in the late 1980's.

I have made no attempt to improve the original recordings, which in many cases bear witness to the constraints under which they were recorded.

I have grouped my recordings into six 'albums', with four completed, a fifth album available for any future cover songs, and recording already commenced on the first few songs for my sixth album. Click on an album name to see the details for that album.

You can listen to the songs here.

Bear Essentials

I started recording this album in July 2023.
All songs written and performed by Andrew James except the lyrics for 63 which are based on Psalm 63, and the lyrics for Luxuria which are based on Proverbs 7.
The first two songs on this 'album' were written in the 1980's but revised and recorded in 2023.
New songs will be added to this album as inspiration and perspiration bear fruit.

Instruments played include electronic keyboards, acoustic electric and modelling guitars, fretted and fretless bass guitars, and drum and percussion programming.

The sound byte "Like the time I dug a hole" that introduces the song Tristitia is spoken by Stephen Curry in the film The Castle.

Hover the cursor over a song name below to see the lyrics.

  • 63 (1984) 63

      Based on Psalm 63
      Written and first performed in 1984

    You God, are my God
    I seek you earnestly
    How I long for you
    My soul thirsts for you
    In a dry and weary land where there is no water

    I have seen you in the sanctuary
    And beheld your power and glory
    My soul clings to you
    I am upheld by you
    With songs of joy my lips will praise you

       Because your love is better than life
       I will praise you as long as I live
       In your name I will lift up my hands
       And sing in the shadow of your wings

    My soul is satisfied
    As with the richest food
    At night I think of you
    And meditate on you
    Because you are my help I will rejoice

       Because your love is better than life
       I will praise you as long as I live
       In your name I will lift up my hands
       And sing in the shadow of your wings

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1984
  • Avaritia (More Records Than Madonna) (1987) Avaritia (More Records Than Madonna)

      A song written in 1987 with a few lyrics tweaked in 2023.
       It might be easy to criticise pop music producers
       whose music fills the dancefloors and dominates the charts,
       but it's not so easy to emulate their success.

    Last night I turned the radio on
    They were playing Bananarama's latest song
    Can't they find better music for us
    I was bored before the second chorus

    But then I heard it went straight to number one
    Written and produced by Stock, Aitken and Waterman
    I'd sing the phone book if it helped me get ahead
    So I sent them a letter, and this is what it said:

       Please Stock, Aitken and Waterman
       I need a hit, won't you write one for me
       Please Stock, Aitken and Waterman
       It seems to be, to be really easy

    Just push some buttons on your Linn drum machine
    Program some brass, add some strings to create the scene
    Spice things up with a funky bass line
    Finish with a chorus that repeats a hundred times

       Please Stock, Aitken and Waterman
       I need a hit, won't you write one for me
       Please Stock, Aitken and Waterman
       Something with a hook, something radio friendly

    The songs you manufacture are so in vogue
    Like the ones you've put together for Kylie Minogue
    It seems like you can churn them out anytime you wanna
    If I had just one I'd sell more records than Madonna

       Please Stock, Aitken and Waterman
       I need a hit, won't you write one for me
       Please Stock, Aitken and Waterman
       Let me sing your next one instead of Rick Astley

       Please Stock, Aitken and Waterman
       I need some help to become a celebrity
       Please Stock, Aitken and Waterman
       Within weeks I could be living in luxury

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1987
  • Luxuria (Like An Ox To The Slaughter) (2023) Luxuria (Like An Ox To The Slaughter)

      A morality tale based on Proverbs 7

    As the sun was setting, in the village square a woman hitched up her skirt
    A young man sauntered over to her, and she began to flirt. She whispered
    “I've been so lonely while my husband's been gone
    My bed is so empty, the nights are so long
    But if I had somebody to talk to, it might ease the hurt”

    “I've got fine food and wine waiting in my room, ready to share
    With aloes and myrrh my sheets have been perfumed, everything's prepared
    And you - you're much too handsome to be sleeping alone
    Come let's drink deeply of love until dawn”
    Like an ox to the slaughter she led him through the alley and up her stairs

      Can a man scoop fire into his lap without getting serious burns?
      Can a man walk barefoot on hot coals without his feet getting hurt?
      Be wise and don't you go near her door
      Don't lust in your heart after what isn't yours
      Others have trodden this path before
      And found their stairway to the stars was a highway to the grave

    She was so intoxicating and he drank deep until her husband returned
    When he learned their dirty secret he went ballistic, his anger burned
    He showed no mercy when he took his revenge
    The young man lost his reputation, his job and his friends
    All this could have been avoided if he'd just learned
    A little discipline (listening to wisdom)
    A little discipline (resisting temptation)
    A little discipline (accepting correction)
    A little discipline (maintaining discretion)

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2023
  • Tristitia (Digging a Hole) (2024) Tristitia (Digging a Hole)

      "Asking for a friend"

    Digging a hole
    Damaging thoughts dance in my brain
    They twist and torment me again
    And taunt me with their dark suggestions

    Digging a hole
    Can't mute the chorus in my head
    All those dumb things I did and said
    And my most painful recollections

      I know that I should turn away
      Ignoring thoughts that bubble up from deep inside of me
      I don't know why but somehow I
      Take comfort in surrendering myself to the misery

    Stuck in a groove
    The stylus finds the same old track
    Old arguments come flooding back
    Filling my brain with thorns and thunder

    Stuck in a groove
    I thought that I'd at last moved on
    I find myself back at square one
    Facing the beast I thought I'd conquered

      I know that I should press eject
      Return the record to its empty sleeve back on the shelf
      Sometimes you know what you should do
      But just aren't strong enough to keep from torturing yourself

    Digging a hole, stuck in a groove
    Digging a hole, stuck in a groove

    Digging a hole
    I can no longer see the sky
    If I keep digging maybe I might make it all the way to China

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2024
  • Superbia (Strange Fire) (2024) Superbia (Strange Fire)

      This micro musical is based on Leviticus 10:1-3, which tells of two entitled young men
      who come before God with their own fire instead of God's fire, and His reaction.

    Nadab : I'm getting tired of waiting, Abihu
    Abihu :   Me too. This is really boring
    Nadab :  I'm snoring. (Snort). Watching from the sidelines
    Abihu :   On the bench
    Nadab :  While our dad gets all the glory
    Abihu :   It makes me sick. (Hurl). He thinks he's something special
    Nadab :  Yes he does
    Abihu :   But he's just being precious
    Nadab :  He loves the attention
    Abihu :   He's scared that we could do a better job
    Nadab :  And we would
    Abihu :   So he won't let us
    Nadab :  So here's what we'll do

        If we scoop some hot coals in a cup and put some frankincense on top
        And swing it round the holy place we'll get to meet God face to face
        We'll be the envy of our friends and then dad's showing off will end

        Because it's our time, it's our time. Out with the old, and in with the new
        Because it's our time, our time to shine.
        We'll teach those geriatrics (those fossils) a thing or two, a thing or two, a thing or . . .

    Abihu :   Whoa, wait up, what did Moses say in that long rant the other day?
    Nadab :  We're Aaron's sons. Get serious. None of that s@#t applies to us, to us

    God :STOP!!
             Who are these two blasé buffoons who swing strange fire in my face
             Unholy incense fills my room, irreverence defiles this place
             My house will be a house of prayer, and not some popup discothèque
             To purge this disobedience I'll need to take some drastic steps
             Right - you and you - OUT!

             Oh Israel, Israel, you hard-hearted stiff-necked people. My pearl. You break my heart
             After all the times my strong arm has rescued you how quickly you forget
             I shower you with love and compassion and then you worship gods of stone and wood
             Oh unfaithful Israel, what can I do? I can't stop loving you, loving you, loving you

             Oh Andrew, what can I do? I can't stop loving you

    It's love that caused my God to send His Son to save and not condemn
    To die in my place on that cross and clothe me in His righteousness
    Now I draw near the holy place and fellowship with God face to face (kneel before him)
    Amazing grace (and adore him), amazing grace (glorify him), amazing grace

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2024

Bear Witness

Written and performed by Andrew James, except for the lyrics for Lift which are taken from Psalm 24, and the lyics for 103 which are based on Psalm 103.

The first songs on this 'album' were written in 2016, and the final track was completed in 2023.

Instruments played include keyboards and synthesisers, acoustic electric and modelling guitars, fretted and fretless bass guitars, mandolin, drum and percussion programming.

The first sound heard in Untamed (the word "dirty") is a sound byte lifted from the Black Books episode The Cleaner.

The vocals on The Dark Room were recorded whilst battling Covid-19.
Recording of the vocals on The New Day was interrupted when I got Covid-19 a second time.

Although the theme of the 'album' may change over time, the overarching subtext for the songs is found in Psalm 104 verse 34:
    'I will sing to the Lord all my life
    I will sing praise to my God as long as I live

Hover the cursor over a song name below to see the lyrics.

  • Lift (2016) Lift

      Based on Psalm 24 verses 7 - 10

    Lift, you gates
    Be lifted up, ancient doors
    That the King of Glory may come in
    That the King of Glory may come in

    Lift up your heads, you gates
    Be lifted up, ancient doors
    That the King of Glory may come in
    That the King of Glory may come in

    Who is this King of Glory
    The Lord, strong and mighty
    The Lord God Almighty
    He is the King of Glory
    The Lord of heaven's armies
    He is this King of Glory

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2016
  • 103 (2016) 103

      Based on Psalm 103

    Praise the Lord, my soul
    All that is within me
    Praise his name

    Praise the Lord, my soul
    Always remember
    What he has done

    He forgives all my sins (remembered no more)
    He heals all my disease (by his stripes on the cross)
    He frees me from my snares (he breaks all my chains)
    And he crowns me with love (hallelujah)

    Praise the Lord, my soul
    All that is within me
    Praise his name

    Praise the Lord, my soul
    Always remember
    What he has done

    He comes not to accuse
    My transgressions are removed
    He showers me with good things
    So my youth is renewed

    He brings justice for the oppressed (he comes with compassion)
    And enduring righteousness (to my children's children)
    His love is limitless (as high as the heavens)
    All his works - sing his praise (hallelujah, hallelujah)

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2016
  • Heartbeat of Amphitrite (2016) Heartbeat of Amphitrite

      The first song in my oceanic trilogy.

    Another padlock set in place
    The words engraved, the promise made
    Two hearts entangled for a while
    The paths converged, the trek begun

    Another spade left on the beach
    In father's arms is comfort found
    How quickly do the memories fade
    Like sand through little fingers falls

       And still the waves come crashing in
       Upon the sands they pound and foam
       Relentless pulse that knows no time
       Rhythm of the restless sea
       Heartbeat of Amphitrite

    Another family torn apart
    The generations pause and dwell
    Another park bench tells the tale
    Of hearts too bruised to ever mend

       And still the pebbles are ground smooth
       The headlands yield, the cliffs brought low
       Relentless pulse that knows no time
       Indifferent to man's ebb and flow
       Rhythm of the restless sea
       Heartbeat of Amphitrite

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2016
  • The Gate (2017) The Gate

    I could study all of the books in the world, but nothing would change
    I could kneel at all the shrines in the world, I'd still be the same
    I could listen to the finest advice, Live a healthy and productive life
    Be successful in the public's eyes
    But life's over so fast and none of that's going to last

    I could give myself to feeding the poor like Mother Theresa (but with less hair)
    I could meditate 'til I'm without thought - well that might be easier (I'm halfway there!)
    Follow the prophets and the holy men and try to be a lot like them
    Reach Nirvana or experience Zen that's all very well, but will it save me from hell
    Cause there is no-one like You, no-one like You, no-one like You

       You looked on your creation with compassion (1)
       Unbounded love compelled you into action
       You felt what it was like to be a man
       You were tempted as I am but never once gave in (2)

       Now lifted high, over all you reign
       Rescue is found in no other name (The name of Jesus) (3)
       I don't know how you make your choice for those who've never heard your voice
       But I believe it when you say You are the only way (4)

    I could memorise chapter and verse for the good it might do me (I could learn it)
    I could be well respected in my church, and God knows I should be (I deserve it)
    Perform miracles and heal the lame, drive out demons in Jesus name (5)
    But if I'm relying on my fame to get through that gate, it might be too late (6)
    If I never knew you, never knew you, never new you, Jesus

       You came not to condemn but to set free (7)
       Shackles unlocked, captives released (8)
       The things I've done won't get me into heaven (9)
       You bled and died now I'm forgiven
       There is no greater love than this (10)

       You said "I am the gate, believe in me (6,11)
       No-one comes to the Father but by me" (4)
       And now you sit enthroned on high
       Worthy is the lamb, we cry. Jesus my king, be glorified (12)
       Blessing and honour, glory and power and praise
       Heaven and earth are filled with your glory

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2017

       1/      Psalm 145:8-9
       2/      Hebrews 4:15
       3/      Acts 4:12
       4/      John 14:6
       5/      Matthew 7:23
       6/      John 10:1,9
       7/      John 3:17
       8/      Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18
       9/      Ephesians 2:9
       10/    John 15:13
       11/    John 6:29, John 8:24
       12/    Revelation 5:!2
  • Melanoma Café (2017) Melanoma Café

      The second song in my oceanic trilogy.

    The hardy souls who brave the dawn fresh prints on sand are making
    Surf-ski rider's been and gone
    Easy pace Australian crawl
    Shoulders glisten, rise and fall behind where waves are breaking

    The broilers cluck and scratch for feed, in glee their secrets sharing
    Who's let themselves go to seed
    Who's just come back from overseas
    Who's having surgery on their knees, who's died, and who's retiring

       The world goes by. The seasons pass. The patrons dine (at the café)
       The more things change the more they stay the same. Do we ever learn?

    Aromas lure the patrons in. The cooking smells amazing
    The southern nomads search for spring
    The shorts and T shirts tell the tale
    That warmer weather is on sale alongside eggs and bacon

    Oiled bodies sprawl to catch the sun – leather in the making
    Kids with footballs having fun
    Older folk on folding chairs
    Enjoy the sun and salty air and catch up on their reading

       The rich get rich. The poor stay poor. The tab gets paid (at the café
       The more things change the more they stay the same. Will we ever learn?

    Light fades as weary parents pack. "One last dip then we're going"
    Feet rinsed, the SUV's head back
    The dusk descends, bands start to play
    The party people have their way until the booze stops flowing

       Disasters hit. The nations starve. Some of us grow fat (at the café)
       Trouble at the top. The leaders swap. Will it end in tears?

       Doomsday clocks tick. The sands run out. Coffee still smells good! (at the café)
       Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. La vie continué

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2017
  • Untamed (2020) Untamed

       While I was going about my business in the city I used to pass by homeless people.
       I felt uncomfortable and ill equipped to take action.
       You may think it's presumptuous of me to speak on their behalf. I would agree.


    I pass by on my way to the office
    Sleeping bag hides a forgotten soul
    A hat with some coins, a plea scrawled on cardboard
    Or sometimes nothing at all

    Should I give him money (could be a mistake)
    I don't have any coins (you've got notes instead)
    Lots of different thoughts swirl through my head

    Was there a childhood that left him damaged
    Was there a family that could take no more
    Was there a history of institutions
    Did bad men or bad decisions leave him poor

    Should I sit beside him (that would be crazy)
    Start a conversation (but what would you say)
    My feet just keep on walking on their way

        It isn't easy when you've got no place to stay
        The city streets are just full of grime
        It isn't often that I get the chance to wash
        You get used to it after a time
        They used to give me pills that drained my life away
        I might hear voices but at least I'm not numb
        No-one can tell me what rules I must obey
        Four walls can't hold me. I need my freedom

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2020
  • Ring The Bell (2020) Ring The Bell
    An allegory

       The third song in my oceanic trilogy.

       Inspired by observing rough weather out to sea.
       If it takes a village to raise a child, it may also take a village to save a child.
       In troubled times we have a responsibility to look out for each other.

       Ring the bell, rouse the town
       We need to respond to the sound
       Ring the bell, hear the chimes
       A sign of these desperate times
       Ring the bell

    Out to sea the wind whips up white peaks
    The spray pelts sideways, the banshee tempest shrieks
    Waterlogged boat, no chance of being saved
    Pushed closer to the rocks by every churning wave
    The watchman sees the vessel come to harm
    To the tower, raise the alarm

       Ring the bell, ring the bell
       Rouse the village, break slumber's deep spell
       Ring the bell, heed the call
       The rescue has need of us all
       Ring the bell

    Take courage men, steer the lifeboat t'ward the waves
    We need make haste if any would be saved
    Heave and strain, work the oars with all your might
    Souls in peril rely on us tonight
    Back on the shore a haven is prepared
    For those who providence has spared

       Ring the bell, ring the bell
       Rouse the village, break slumber's deep spell
       Ring the bell, sound the alarm
       For those who need rescue from harm
       Ring the bell

    The storm has spent its wrath, the seas grow calm
    Blankets warm the survivors snatched from harm
    With the dawn comes the sight of the debris
    Evidence of those claimed by the sea
    The bell will ring, but with a different song
    In memory of those whose lives are gone

       Ring the bell, make the sound
       Gather the people around
       Ring the bell, hear the chimes
       A sign of these desperate times
       Ring the bell, ring the bell
       It's time for the final farewell
       Ring the bell, hear the call
       In time it will toll for us all

       Ring the bell (for the parent who's drowning in grief)
       Ring the bell (for the carer that needs some relief)
       Ring the bell (for the wife fearful of her next beating)
       Ring the bell (for the couple that can't afford heating)
       Ring the bell (for the child who will never be cool)
       Ring the bell (for the teen who is bullied at school)
       Ring the bell (for the young mum who's had to leave home)
       Ring the bell (for the widow who's now all alone)
       Ring the bell (for the patient who's desperately ill)
       Ring the bell (for the family that can't pay the bills)
       Ring the bell (for the innocents struggling in prison)
       Ring the bell (for the addict who's battling addiction)

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2020
  • Christmas Glory (2021) Christmas Glory

       My wife and I used to enjoy Christmas Carols broadcasts,
       but in recent years they seem to have lost their reverence.

    It's that time of year when retailers are decking
    The malls with big baubles and tinsel and flocking
    And TV gears up for the big Christmas Carols events
    Today show presenters read cringeworthy banter
    Then talent school children dance rings around Santa
    But some of the segments they feature don't even make sense
    The babes in the audience nod off to sleep
    Perhaps they're the lucky ones, don't get to see

    The sponsors are keen to get bang for their buck
    With Mickey and Minnie and Frozen and such
    Or a clip from a movie to bolster box office receipts
    The cast of a musical selling their show
    Singing of open fires, chestnuts and snow
    Hoping exposure puts more bums on theatre seats
    At the core of tradition and embellished fables
    The treasure of treasures was born in a stable

      In a food trough lies a child. His exhausted mother smiles
      The miracle long promised is now here
      From heaven to helplessness the Word has become flesh
      Though it's quiet where the newborn baby lays
      The heavens are bursting with their praise
      To God be glory, now and always

    A taffeta sculpture sweeps in from the wings
    Soap star under contract who thinks she can sing
    She'll need to act now to pretend she believes what she's singing
    And yet amid all of the flouncing and hype
    A few artists know what they're singing about
    This time it's personal, this time delivered with meaning
    While some folks below are dismissing the story
    The angels above keep proclaiming his glory

      King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the everlasting Word
      Without him nothing was made that has been made (John 1:3)
      Lamb of God, Prince of Peace, his kingdom will not cease
      And by his blood, from sin we are set free (Rev 1:5)

      Righteous and victorious, Emmanuel – God with us
      The radiance of the Glory of God (Hebrews 1:3)
      At his name all knees will bow. Blessing and Honour bring him now
      For God so loved the world that he gave
      All who believe in Jesus will be saved
      He is Holy and Worthy to be praised

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2021
  • The Dark Room (2022) The Dark Room

       Most of us have times where dark moods cloud our lives.
       I'm fortunate mine usually don't hang around very long.

       I waited all 2021 for a virus to temporarily give me the
       gravelly voice I could hear in my head delivering this chorus.
       Covid-19 gave me that voice in early 2022, along with a week
       in isolation to build the instrument tracks around the vocals.

    This heart of death, this heart of death x 2
    It stings like wasps, it smells like sulphur
    (How can I escape from this heart of death)
    It sounds like war, it looks like cancer
    (I need to be released from this heart of death)

      Another piece of me has hit the floor
      Can chiselling continue until there's no more

        Don't look left (Don't get diverted)
        Don't turn right (Don't touch the decor)
        Go straight ahead (Asylum beckons)
        You'll be alright (Behind the red door)

    This heart of death, this heart of death x 2
    My savage thoughts, my clouded sight
    (I need to get away from this heart of death)
    Can anybody rescue me from me tonight
    (I need to be released from this heart of death)

      The purple colander shoots taunts and jeers
      Cower in the corner covering my ears
      In the dark room watch my witness writhe
      Stay sequestered 'til the storm subsides

        Don't overthink it (Don't be defensive)
        Just sit and breathe (Hey! Stop building walls)
        With some perspective (Fortifications)
        Anguish will ease (This won't end well)

     Seven circuits, Deafening shout. Strongholds toppled. Allies brought out.
     Rising terror. Torches thrown. Swords unsheathed. No mercy shown.
     The blackened ruins show the cost of a battle fought but lost.
     Abandoned city in the rain. These walls will never rise again.

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2022
  • The New Day (2023) The New Day
       Recovery from The Dark Room.
       With each dawn come new opportunities.

    sun         light
        gilds the clouds and fills the sky with
    warm   light
        bathes the hills and wakes creation
    your       light
        conquers dark and soothes the scars of
    last         night
        I'm rescued from the shadows by your love

    bird       song
        greets the dawn and fills the skies with
    their     song
        In the moment my heart hears a
    new     song
        I can face the new day, I can
    be         strong
        All the earth is bursting with your

        Glory, Glory
           The heavens shout it, the earth is filled with your
        Glory, Glory
           Lord God Almighty, You alone are
        Holy, Holy
           Alpha and omega, beginning and the end, Jesus you are
        Holy, Holy
           Seated on the throne, only you are
        Worthy, Worthy
           Worthy Lord, to receive honour and praise, you are
        Worthy, Worthy
           Every knee will bow, every tongue confess you are
        Mighty, Mighty
           Victorious king, You are so
        Mighty, Mighty
           My Lord and my God

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2023
  • The Dark Room (reprise) (2022) The Dark Room (reprise)

       Just when you think you're doing OK
       the old issues try to drag you down again.
       I am loved by the King of Kings and He is mighty.
       Those old issues can just rack off!

    This heart of death, this heart of death x 2
    This heart of death, this heart of death
    (How can I escape from this heart of death)
    This heart of death, this heart of death
    (I need to be released from this heart of death)
    This cheerless cell, this bleak cocoon
    (Who can rescue me from this heart of death)
    Can any light breach this dungeon of doom
    (Dungeon of doom, dungeon of doom)

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2022

Bear My Soul

Written and performed by Andrew James, except for Your Grace Still Amazes Me, written by Cissy Padgett, and the first line of Don't You Forget which comes from Save The Last Dance For Me by Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman.

Recordings took place in bursts between 2001 to 2012, but most recording was undertaken or completed between 2013 and 2015.

I now use a multi-track hard disk recorder in place of the four track reel to reel tape recorder I used in my previous recordings. I can now record many tracks of audio (vocals/guitars) and many tracks of midi (keyboards/drums) and so get closer to how I want my songs to sound.

I have trialled computer based recording, but I have found dedicated standalone music equipment to be more stable and reliable and better suited to the way I record.

Instruments played include keyboards and synthesisers, acoustic and electric guitars, mandolin, fretted and fretless bass guitars, acoustic and electronic drums, percussion, drum and percussion programming.

Whilst I have written other songs during this period, the songs listed here are those which I thought were worth working on.
Some songs may have dark themes but that's because life isn't always easy. Throughout the seasons I have found the love of God to be unchanging and undiminished.

Hover the cursor over a song name below to see the lyrics.

  • Heartburst (1999) Heartburst

    Tailored suit and slicked back hairdo, perfect teeth in cunning grin
    Faultless speech and presentation while the maggots writhe within
    Shows me all the glossy brochures, doesn't talk about the price
    Tells me abstinence is passé, sells the virtues of the vice
    So I took a little chance, I stole a little glance, I've nothing much to lose
    And I took a little taste, shame to let it go to waste, I can stop any time I choose

    Help me – what have I done. I thought that I was strong – I was wrong
    These pleasures that I've found turn to stench and such me down

    Feeling really far from holy, feeling filthy and ashamed
    Jesus, how can you still love me when I cause you all this pain?

    Lamb of God, to you I call. Obedient to death, you gave it all
    By the blood you shed for me I am forgiven, cleansed, set free

    Lord, all your love flowing down, pouring into my soul
    I find I'm falling in love with you again
    My tears of repentance turn to joy as you cleanse my heart, my soul
    And as you hold me close you whisper "welcome home"

    This grace, this power, this love, this Jesus
    Cleanses my heart, restores my soul
    His gift is free, I can do nothing to deserve it
    Drop to the floor, heartburst, in awe

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1999
  • A Christmas Carol (2004) A Christmas Carol

    Six months feels like forever. She used to have a heart
    But when the father of her children left he wrenched her world apart
    She isn't nice to be around, she drives old friends away
    There isn't any joy for her on this Christmas day

    He sits for hours in silence paralysed by pain
    He feels like smashing windows but that won't bring her back again
    Her room's untouched – a shrine to love. He nursed her to the end
    The only gift he wants is the return of his best friend

    The years have not been kind, the dreams have not come true
    There seems to be no purpose in what they've been through
    Festive facades just feed their anger and despair
    Christmas is a painful time of year

    His people played the harlot, broke his heart time and time again
    He'll sacrifice his son to reconcile God and men
    The flesh is gouged out of his back, the spikes are driven in
    He drowns, abandoned by his friends, in payment for my sin

    The years aren't always kind, dreams don't always come true
    But Jesus went through hell to rescue me and you
    He yearns to heal our hearts, hold us in His embrace
    All grief will flee when we see his face

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2004
  • The Zealots (2011) The Zealots

    This song makes no judgement about the relative merits of any particular religion.
    I had been listening to passionate advocates of several faiths, and thought they sounded
    pretty similar, with their do-more, try-harder, sacrifice-more, pray-more, win-more message.
    In this song I imagined a battle of the evangelists and their worship teams.

    Zealot on the radio, spouting waves of passion
    Questioning my fervour, laying on the guilt
    Says I must work harder, spend more hours in prayer
    Calling for contenders to commit
    Catch workmates in a corner, press them for an answer
    Turn the talk around and capture every chance I get
    As I keep on pushing harder resistance will grow weaker
    In time they'll see the truth is what I speak

    Hallelujah to Allah and his messenger Muhammad (PBUH)
    His word has shown the way, teach all to obey
    Keep on taking ground for Allah

    Zealot on the early show, shouting words of passion
    Questions my commitment to the three week can't fail plan
    Rearrange priorities, use recommended strategies
    Satisfy prerequisites and win
    God will create the opening, I just need to be listening
    If something isn't happening I need to lift my game
    If I'm totally surrendered my friends will be attracted
    The life they see in me is what they'll want

    Hallelujah to the Creator and our redeemer Jesus
    He is the King, His life we bring
    Push back the darkness, to the glory of God

    From one driven zealot to another
    You're as passionate and earnest as each other
    You raise the book that's in your hand, trying to make me understand
    That your message is from God, unlike the other
    There is just one source of truth, you say you teach it
    There is just one way to God, you say you preach it
    You make the same appeals, you display the same zeal
    If there's just one way to heaven, who will reach it

    If I scour the caves and culverts of the earth for just one convert
    Will he will end up even more disturbed, dissatisfied than me
    We're so focused on the winning, can we hear the Spirit's prompting
    Maybe we don't want to hear what he might say
    Is the peace of God in hiding, has it passed all understanding
    Has condemnation replaced the dispensation of grace
    We're so busy with the doing, lose the beauty of just being
    Was it Mary's choice or Martha's Jesus praised?

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2011
  • The Dance (2012) The Dance

    Dedicated to my wife Janene, without whose patience and love I would
    not have known the enduring love of a bridegroom for a bride.

    I have been waiting for so long
    But now you are her with me to share this moment (this moment)
    Clothed in the gown I bought for you
    Crowned with gold and jewels, you look amazing (amazing)
    There is no music in the room
    But if you listen well, you can hear the music in my heart

    It's time
    For the dance
    Oh my love, oh my joy
    I will never let you go
    Nothing else, only you
    Forever we will dance, la la la

    I have been courting you so long
    Each time you turned away my heart was broken (was broken)
    But with you here those memories fade
    We stand together at a new beginning (beginning)
    Don't be afraid just take my hand
    Follow my lead and soon you will be in raptures just like me

    It's time
    For the dance
    Oh my love, oh my joy
    I will never let you go
    Nothing else, only you
    Forever we will dance

    Mon amour, oh ma joie
    Je vais t#39;embrasser toujours
    Rien d'autre que tu
    Toujours nous danserons, la la la

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2012
  • Gergesa Dreaming (2013) Gergesa Dreaming

    Based on Matthew 8:28-34

    We had it good in our Eastlake town
    Life went on as it had and always will
    Everybody knew their place
    Even the madmen who lived in the caves on the hill

    He sailed in from the other side
    Would have been better if he hadn't come at all
    Causing trouble, making waves
    Had a reputation. People said
    He won't last long, he'll soon be gone

    He didn't quite make it into town
    Held up by those two madmen on the hill
    Shouting rubbish as they often did
    Strange thing is, he didn't turn and run

    Now here's the weird bit - the men went sane
    But some pigs went crazy, stampeded down the hill
    Left the farmers out of work with debts to pay
    What's he going to do next, we're afraid
    We made it clear, he's not welcome here

    The table is set. The guests all take their seats anticipating
    The bridegroom arrives. The celebration starts. The doors are closing
    You should've been here. He wanted you here
    Why didn't you come?

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2013
  • Be King (2014) Be King

    Down on my knees
    Overwhelmed by your presence again
    You have captured my heart
    I will never be the same
    You rescued me, your sacrifice set me free
    My Lord, I am amazed
    You deserve all my praise

    Be king, be Lord of my life
    Be king today
    Be king, Lord take your rightful place
    Be king and reign

    Here on this world
    Injustice is all about
    Disasters and wars, persecution, disease
    The oppressed and the hurting cry out
    Things are not going well with man in control
    We need a change
    The bride and the spirit say come
    Come Lord Jesus come

    Be king, be Lord of my life
    Be king today
    Be king, Lord take your rightful place
    Be king and reign

    You left your throne, you came to die
    You conquered death, now lifted high
    Born as a man, servant of all
    You made a way, tore down the walls

    Be king and reign, be king and reign
    Be king and reign, be king and reign

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2014
  • Don't You Forget (2014) Don't You Forget

    "But don't forget who's taking you home, and in whose arms you're gonna be"
    (excerpt from Save the last dance for me, by Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman
    written on the day the wheelchair bound Pomus married his dancer wife

    I need to take time to reflect
    Consider well his benefits
    He's been with me every step
    His love for me is infinite, no end to it, He won't let me fall

    Don't you forget (never the same again)
    He captured your heart
    Don't you forget (restored and whole again)
    He set you apart

    Cast your mind back many years
    It was a special time of innocence
    I was there, I saw the tears
    You can't deny its significance

    But that was then, this is now
    So much water under the bridge
    Life's complications have somehow
    Clouded your memory, until you can't see clearly at all

    Don't you forget (something incredible)
    He captured your heart
    Don't you forget (a love indelible)
    He set you apart

         Don't you forget his love won't fade
         And the promises he made he's going to keep
         Don't you forget he understands
         And he holds you in his hands
         Eternally (He is not a man that he should change his mind)
         Securely (Those who are His He will not lose or leave behind)

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2014
  • Ecclesiastes (2015) Ecclesiastes

    Solomon concluded that apart from God, "Everything is meaningless".
    Once his heart had been captured by Jesus, Paul considered all other things worthless.
    (A more correct translation of the original word used is "dung").

    I wrote the initial bleak section of the song in 2010 imagining it as a short grungy punk song
    but as it offered nothing positive, I chose not to record it at that time.
    The song stayed in my head, however, and so I added the final choruses in 2015.
    What the world offers may be crap but what Jesus offers is treasure beyond measure.

    I turned on the TV but it was crap
    I bought a book to read but it was crap
    Switched on the radio but it was crap
    There's nowhere I can go that isn't crap

         Crap, crap, everything is crap
         Crap, crap, everything is crap
         Crap, crap, everything is crap
         Crap, crap, everything is crap

    A cottage by the sea but it was crap
    Postgraduate degree but it was crap
    My face on magazines but it was crap
    Riding in limousines but it was crap

    I saw the wicked rise and it was crap
    I saw the righteous die and it was crap
    Life isn't what it seems – it's all crap
    And in the heart of me – it's all crap

         Crap, crap, everything is crap
         Crap, crap, everything is crap
         Crap, crap, everything is crap
         Crap, crap, everything is crap
         Except for Jesus


         In him, I'm a new creation
         By his stripes I have been healed
         I am not condemned, I'm clothed in his righteousness
         He placed his spirit in my heart, I have been sealed

         From his love I can't be separated
         He knows me, yet he still calls me 'friend'
         I'm seated with him in high places
         Where the praise of God Almighty never ends

         You are worthy, you alone are holy
         Rich in mercy, in love and faithfulness
         The whole earth is full of your glory
         Every knee will bow, every tongue confess

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 2010, 2015

    Chorus 1: Ecclesiastes 1:14
    Chorus 2: Philippians 3:8
    Chorus 3: 2 Corinthiahs 5:17; 1 Peter 2:24; Romans 8:1; John 5:24; Isaiah 61:10; 2 Corinthians 1:22
    Chorus 4: Romans 8:39; John 15:15; Ephesians 2:6; Revelation 4:8
    Chorus 5: Revelation 4:8,11; Ephesians 2:4; Psalm 86:15; Lamentations 3:22,23; Isaiah 6:3; Philippians 2:10,11
  • Your Grace Still Amazes Me (2008) Your Grace Still Amazes Me

    Written by Cissy Padgett

    My faithful father, enduring friend
    Your tender mercy's like a river with no end
    It overwhelms me, covers my sin
    Each time I come into your presence
    I stand in wonder once again

    Your grace still amazes me
    Your love is still a mystery
    Each day I fall on my knees
    'cause your grace still amazes me
    Your grace still amazes me

    O patient saviour, you make me whole
    You are the author and the healer of my soul
    What can I give you? Lord, what can I say
    I know there's no way to repay you
    Only to offer you my praise

    Your grace still amazes me
    Your love is still a mystery
    Each day I fall on my knees
    'cause your grace still amazes me
    Your grace still amazes me

    It's deeper, it's wider, it's stronger, it's higher
    It's deeper, it's wider, it's stronger, it's higher
    Than anything my eyes can see

    Your grace still amazes me
    Your love is still a mystery
    Each day I fall on my knees
    'cause your grace still amazes me
    Your grace still amazes me

Bear's Greatest Hits Volume II

(The big synth years)

Written and performed by Andrew James, except for Spring & Autumn, written by Andrew James based on musical themes by Peter Beveridge, and Valerie, written by Steve Winwood and Will Jennings.

Backing tracks were sequenced between 1987 and 1993 in my "studio in a wardrobe".
With my Atari computer and Cubase software controlling multiple synthesisers I could record complete backing tracks for songs whilst my young children were asleep.
I recorded vocals and guitar for the first three songs at the time, but didn't record vocals on the other songs until 2013.

The exception is She Sings which was written in 1998 but the recording was not completed until 2015.

One of my favourite songs from this period isn't included in this list, because after I wrote and recorded it I found I had unknowingly 'borrowed' the main guitar part from a Richard Clapton song.

Hover the cursor over a song name below to see the lyrics.

  • Can She Be The One (1988) Can She Be The One

    I had expected to stay alone
    Wasn't eager to take the chance again
    Hoping I could be proven wrong
    But not expecting to be more than a friend
    Driving home alone, feeling something's wrong
    Something's got to change, someone's got to make a move

    Can she be the one, the one who brings me healing
    Can she be the one, the one who starts the thaw
    Can she be the one, who opens up my eyes to what's in store

    She began a new spring in me
    The explorer looks over foreign land
    And the valley was lush and green
    Unfamiliar yet beckoning to this man
    Walking into rooms, looking for those eyes
    Just to see the spark, lights up the whole world for me

    Can she be the one I've waited all these years for
    Can she be the one who sets this prisoner free
    Can she be the one to share my dreams and hopes with, can it be she

    The flashing of eyes, The touching of hands
    The sharing of secrets, The making of plans
    You know that I love you, It's seen in my eyes
    And I make that promise, For the rest of our lives

    Yes she is the one, the one who brings me healing
    Yes she is the one, the one who starts the thaw
    Yes she is the one who opens up these eyes
    Yes she is the one who shows me what's in store

    Yes she is the one I've waited all these years for
    Yes she is the one who sets this prisoner free
    Yes she is the one to share my dreams and hopes with
    Yes she is the one who shows me what will be

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1988
  • Joseph's Song (1988) Joseph's Song

    Mary gets all the attention. It's about time Joseph had his own song.

    I couldn't hold my hope inside. I wanted you to be my bride
    And when you smiled and answered yes my joy and love I can't express
    But this news throws me to the floor. Imagination runs wild
    I cannot take you home like this expecting someone else's child

    Mary my song, I'd waited so long. Couldn't you have waited for me
    Now here I stand a broken man. Through shattered dreams I turn and watch you leave

    I wallowed deep in misery. How could she do this thing to me
    But things aren't always as they seem. An angel showed me in a dream
    I learned that you have done no wrong. There's been no man in your live
    I don't care what the neighbours think. Come home with me as my wife

    Mary my song, I've waited so long. I'll wait a little longer for you
    Overshadowed by the most high and now his promise grows within you
    Mary my song, I've waited so long. I'll wait a little longer for you
    These times are strange, heralding change. Could it be my dreams are coming true

    This child you bring will be the King. The promised messiah
    On him we can depend. His kingdom will not end. God with us, Emmanuel

    Mary my song, I've waited so long. I'll wait a little longer for you
    Overshadowed by the most high and now his promise grows within you
    Mary my song, I've waited so long. I'll wait a little longer for you
    These times are strange, heralding change. Could it be my dreams are coming true

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1988
  • You (1988) You

    Listen friend don't bother coming round here again, don't give me booklets to read
    The spiritual crutch that you're trying to sell is something I don't need
    I've learnt a lot from experience, life offers more bad times than fun
    If this Jesus guy cared life wouldn't be this hard –
    You've got to look out for no 1, So you can tell him...

    You, you've got a lot to answer for. Why is there suffering pain and war
    I reckon you could do so much more, but you don't care

    I've read of plastic preachers with their credit card smiles asking for cash on TV
    In public it's the practicing of peace, love and joy, in private it's debauchery
    When a person's behaviour contradicts their words how can you believe a word they say
    If that's the change that Jesus makes then count me out
    I don't want to end up that waySo you can tell God...

    You, you've got a lot to answer for. Why is there suffering pain and war
    I reckon you could do so much more, Yeah
    And you, you send your followers round the twist. They even have their doubts you exist
    You're just irrelevant, obsolete - yeah you're dead

    I ran out of the subway gasping for breath, my tormenters were closing in
    The helicopter shuddered and the engine screamed as we plummeted out of the sky
    The tunnel had collapsed, now there was no escape, the fumes were making senses spin
    Desperation gripped me like a heart attack, the judge had sentenced me to die

    I'd tried it all but all I'd got was death despair and doubt
    And then I looked into your eyes, and your love swept the garbage out
    When I cried out to You

    You called me to you with tearful eyes. The truth then hit me, I realised
    You had been waiting so patiently for me and You
    You don't remember what used to be. All that you want is to be with me
    You held back nothing you went through hell for me and You
    You poured your loving into my soul. I don't deserve it - You made me whole
    I never knew someone cared for me the way you do
    You are the fire that burns in me. You are the wind that sets me free
    You are the life that lets me be complete in You
    You're alive in me, I'm alive in You

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1988
  • Spring and Autumn (1988) Spring and Autumn

    Imagining how it would feel to lose a partner

    Splashing through the shallows, strolling on the beach
    Scribing our initials in the sand
    Recognising pictures clouds make in the sky
    Watching as the pelicans glide by
    Now I have plans for the future. The time for decision draws near
    I can still recall that special day
    When all my doubts and fears melted away

    Back in our room after the show
    Thankful to be over that mountain, sharing the glow
    Two hearts together, so much to give
    Looking forward to a life together
    As long as I live I will promise to love you
    See the promise coming true

    Thinking of out courtship, thinking of our youth
    Thinking of those magic times we shared
    Drowning in old photos, trying not to cry
    Raging at the heavens, asking why
    Now I, I wait for the angels. My heart hasn't beaten for years
    People come to pass the time of day
    They do the best they can then go away

    I sit on the deck and wait for the dawn
    I've made it through another night without you. I feel so alone
    I wish I could call you, see you turn and spark
    Now memories are all I have to cling to
    Though it breaks my heart every time I think of you
    But that's all I have of you
    Oh my God, how I love you

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1988
  • Free (1990) Free

    Written for a friend who had just left an unhealthy relationship

    You borrow my money, you take all my time, there's none left for me
    You're suspicious and angry, possessive and jealous. What's it like to be free?
    Losing to football, and mates, the car, and the bottle
    Here stands a woman with needs that just aren't being met

    Tossing and turning, the last few nights have been rough
    Although I may love you, maybe this time love's not quite enough
    Building up courage to tell you I've made a decision
    The better I know you the more I'm convinced that I'm right

    It's not going to work, I'm not your little girl
    I'm not going to sit on the sidelines and smile as you conquer the world
    It's not going to work, I've got to breathe
    What you're expecting of me is not what I'm prepared to give

    You want a girl that will hang on your words
    Someone who supports you whatever the cause
    Who will stay home and wait while you drink with your mates and be happy
    I am a woman with dreams of my own
    I must be free to have time left for me
    I'm not prepared to live my life through somebody else

    Crushing your hopes with a handful of words wasn't easy
    Turn to the window and watch this bird fly free

    It's not going to work, I'm not your little girl
    I'm not going to sit on the sidelines and smile as you conquer the world
    It's not going to work, I've got to breathe
    What you're expecting of me is not what I'm prepared to give
    It's not going to work

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1990
  • Found By Love (1991) Found By Love

    Flogging and suffocation borne
    Flesh and tendon torn in agony
    You wore the sewer of my sin
    To birth new life within the heart of me
    Buried in the water with the darkness left behind
    Rose again a lighter man
    Resolved to serve my saviour for all time

    I lost my heart again
    Found somebody who loves me as I am
    Lost these chains that bind, and found freedom
    I lost my guilt and shame
    Found a reason to praise Your name
    I'm so glad that I was found by love

    My friend weighs heavy on my mind
    He has yet to find new life in you
    Jesus, the spirit in me yearns
    How I wish he'd turn, and be made new
    Lord I pray that on that day he's on the winning team
    Grant me opportunity
    To help him see the truth in what I sing

    I lift my heart to you
    Jesus, you had the strength to see it through
    Bound the enemy, and loosed my chains
    I lost my guilt and shame
    Found a reason to praise Your name
    I'm so glad that I was found by love

    I lost my heart again
    Found somebody who loves me as I am
    Lost these chains that bind, and found freedom
    I lost my guilt and shame
    Found a reason to praise You, praise Your name
    I'm so glad that I was found by love

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1991
  • Your Solution (1992) Your Solution

    I started writing this song after my next door neighbour went AWOL for two weeks,
    and then came back one afternoon to pick up his clothes and say goodbye to his kids.

    She breaks down in the doorway as she sees him drive away
    How's she going to feed her children now
    Eleven years of marriage packed inside a black sports bag
    Fighting back the tears he wonders where he'll spend the night
    Alarmed by the intensity of pain he feels inside

    People who are lost, people who are lonely
    People who are being torn apart
    People who are hurt, people who are broken
    Help me Lord to see that your solution could begin with me

    She shivers in the alley from the bitter winter wind
    She's broken free this time, but for how long
    Seven years of nightmares and it hasn't ended yet
    Why did father have to be so twisted and so vile
    Who can she turn to when she learns she's carrying his child

    People who are lost, people who are lonely
    People who are being torn apart
    People who are hurt, people who are broken
    Help me Lord to see that your solution starts with me

    Creation groans, the angels weep, war rages endlessly
    Jesus, my hands, Jesus, my feet, Jesus, my heart is Yours – send me

    People who are lost, people who are lonely
    People who are being torn apart
    People who are hurt, people who are broken
    Help me Lord to see what your solution is

    For people who are lost, people who are lonely
    People who are being torn apart
    People who are hurt, people who are broken
    Help me Lord to see that your solution could begin with me

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1992
  • She Sings (1998) She Sings

    Written after the unexpected but merciful death of my mother,
    which released her from the body in which she had become a prisoner.

    She#39;s gone, fled the frail frame
    The heart that used to beat for us now still
    We who remain behind are left to face our loss
    In a world a little darker, a little colder
    A little older, but then I remember

    Now she sings with the angels the praises of her Lord
    Now she sings with the angels. His love lets her voice soar
    Her voice on earth now silent is beautiful once more
    As she sings, as she sings

    Yet in his kingdom, a party#39;s going on
    As one of His is welcomed to her home
    We who remain behind are thankful for his care
    For we know he really loved her, took care of her
    Finally called her in the fullness of his time

    And now she sings with the angels the praises of her Lord
    Now she sings with the angels. His love lets her voice soar
    Her voice on earth now silent is beautiful once more
    As she sings

    Her spirit soars like an eagle on the praises of her Lord
    Yes she soars like an eagle as she#39;s never done before
    As his love lifts her higher she will live forevermore
    As she sings

    If I could only breathe life to her lips I surely would
    For five more minutes sitting by her side
    But she#39;s gone to somewhere better
    Where there#39;s no more tears, no pain

    Now she sings with the angels the praises of her Lord
    Yes she sings with the angels. His love lets her voice soar
    Her voice on earth now silent is beautiful once more
    As she sings with the angels
    She sings with the angels

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1998
  • Valerie (1987) Valerie

    Written by Steve Winwood and Will Jennings

    So wild, standing there, with her hands in her hair
    I can't help remember just where she touched me
    There's still no face here in her place
    So cool, she was like jazz on a summer's day
    Music, high and sweet, then she just blew away
    No she can't be that warm with the wind in her arms

    Valerie, call on me – call on me, Valerie
    Come and see me – I'm the same boy I used to be

    Love songs fill the night, but they don't tell it all
    Not how lovers cry out just like they're dying
    Her cries hang there in time somewhere
    Someday, some good wind may blow her back to me
    Some night I may hear her like she used to be
    No it can't be that warm with the wind in her arms

    Valerie, call on me – call on me, Valerie
    Come and see me – I'm the same boy I used to be

    So cool, she was like jazz on a summer's day
    Music, high and sweet, then she just blew away
    No she can't be that warm with the wind in her arms

    Valerie, call on me – call on me, Valerie
    Come and see me – I'm the same boy I used to be

Bear's Greatest Hits Volume I

(The basement tapes)

Written and performed by Andrew James, except for The Blessed Son Of God, music by Ralph Vaughan Williams with lyrics translated by Miles Coverdale from a hymn by Martin Luther.
Recorded between February 1977 and April 1979.

Although I had recorded my songs onto tape before, the TEAC 4 track reel-to-reel tape recorder I bought with a loan from my dad opened up for me a whole new world of possibilities.

Instruments played include acoustic piano, organ, Moog synthesiser, nylon string guitar, 6 and 12 string acoustic guitars, electric guitars, fretted and fretless bass guitars, double bass, acoustic drums.

Hover the cursor over a song name below to see the lyrics.

  • BB BB

    I've heard others talk the way you do, but they've got better reasons
    There's something to look forward to, it's not the journey it's the goal
    But as I look at you I think you ought to perceive who you're teasing
    Your senior maths is lacking, you're up against a brick wall

    'Cause you're aiming for the wrong side of the field
    Can't you see that you lose the game if you score there
    If you cross the line too many times you'll seal your fate
    To be withdrawn from the race to be seen no more there

    Well what do you aim for in life, is it living loving danger
    Are you too far involved with yourself to read the faces of your friends
    When you cross past that point of no return will you be willing to change a
    Thing that you've done, realise it's too late to make amends

    'Cause you're aiming for the wrong side of the field
    Can't you see that you lose the game if you score there
    If you cross the line too many times you'll seal your fate
    To be withdrawn from the race to be seen no more there

    Can't you see it doesn't help to balance the scales
    When one pan's resting over the flame
    Come back to the sidelines back behind the rails
    The strongest side must win the game
    I know you like to be there every moment you can
    And accountants fill your nightmares it seems
    Believe me when I tell you that the world you create
    Is just as much a world of dreams

    Wake up to reality
    Wake up to reality

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
    home recording in the early 80's
    home recording in the early 80's
  • Selling Out Selling Out

    I'm selling out, moving down to the city (Selling out, moving back)
    That's where I really really really, I really wanna go (Selling out, moving back)
    I know what I want, and I know where I can get it (Selling out, moving back)

    Stepping out in the city
    Those cows and sheep just cramp my style
    Fun and games in the city ... but
    No loving I could find
    Those slickers were unkind
    They made me change my mind
    I think I'll move on back to the country my friend

    I'm selling out, moving back to the country (Selling out, moving back)
    That's where I really really really, That's where I belong yeah (Selling out, moving back)
    Kindness and consideration in the country (Selling out, moving back)

    So, I think I'll settle in the country
    Didn't like the city anyhow
    Buy a wife and raise a family ... but
    She broke our wedding vows
    She looks just like my cows
    I think I'll leave my ploughs
    And move on down to the city again

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1978
  • Alita Alita

    Alita, let me address you
    Alita, my intentions are clear
    Alita, my prospects are promising
    Alita, there is more you should hear

    Ever since we met your beauty haunts my every waking moment
    If I am refused I'm certain I should surely die
    Living life without you is a thought I would not contemplate
    So realise my happiness depends on your reply, so

    Alita, what will your answer be
    Alita, I'm sure you know what is best
    Alita, I can't believe what you're telling me
    Alita, surely you jest

    It's not in your best interests to refuse security when offered
    This is your last chance Alita, come on, answer favourably
    Do I detect a slight indifference to my generosity
    Well, I've never been so humiliated
    Foolish ungrateful girl
    Then this interview has ended
    You may withdraw from my life
    Remain a servant all your years
    Never a wife

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
  • Morning Morning

    Since my world has become you
    I can hear the breathing, see the brush
    And life becomes more than door to door
    All the rules are broken, every step I take
    Is a reflection of my soul
    See the greasepaint appear, I don't care
    I've handed over control

    For love was given substance I'm aware of that fact
    And my life is someone else's, senior management was sacked
    Death can bring life by the bridging of barriers unseen
    For your love can come quickly like a thief in the night
    But it also can grow like a parasite
    Destroying the old, making way for the new different life

    These new eyes see much more clearly
    But though the storm has passed, a drizzle still remains
    There's breeze moving from the east
    A tree becomes a lens, a leaf a mirror
    Glorifying natures source
    Sense is a compass pointing to martyr source

    For love was given substance I'm aware of that fact
    And my life is someone else's, senior management was sacked
    Death can bring life by the bridging of barriers unseen
    For your love can come quickly like a thief in the night
    But it also can grow like a parasite
    Destroying the old, making way for the new different life
    Your love

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
  • A Fool's Lament A Fool's Lament

    There she was, discrete, but how to treat her
    Standing lonely in my mind
    Outstretched, my soul desired her yet it fired her
    Gossip colours deeply what I find

    Some within me pine for thoughts ago
    Others relish recent tints through which I view
    Was I blind to all hypocrisy related
    Of the past is ended, present starts anew

    Jenny, all I loved was my own shadow
    Couldn't see I'd trapped you in a well appointed cage
    (Of this I am persuaded)
    Open eyes and ears can bring me sorrow
    Better sadly knowing now than finding out with age
    But is believing knowing?

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
  • The Visitor The Visitor

    You poke your lunar landscape around the doorway
    And expect me to be pleased at the sight
    Your champagne chatter goes down like the Titanic
    You won't get appreciated tonight
    Well, who invited you anyway
    No friend of mine
    No friend

    You're always wearing clothes that are far too revealing
    They reveal a twisted jealousy
    You've never had this impact on a man before
    You don't understand what you do to me
    You make me sick
    Anyway, is there a doctor in the house

    I'm really getting tired of you coming around
    And I hate the things that you represent
    You really make a desk job seem attractive
    I think it's about time you went
    Borrow a roadie if you must
    You must go away
    If not sooner
    Just go

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
  • Dreams Dreams

    Those eyes
    I know I've seen those eyes before
    In dreams I can't ignore
    And now I see the face that they belong to
    I realise I couldn't love you more

    Love me forever, stay with me
    Let your wish be my command
    Mutual bliss, a heaven on earth I'll show you
    Let me take your hand, love

    Those lips
    Their savage colour and their fire
    Purposeful thoughts in me inspire
    And if I said I didn't want to take you
    I must admit that I would be a liar

    This was meant to be
    It's God's design, it's fate, the two of us entwined
    Become as one, forever my life partner
    Leaving loneliness behind us

    What's the matter darling, I expected your unquestioning devotion
    Is love asymmetric, an imbalanced allocation of emotion
    Absence of your love will render life a bitter sentence void of meaning
    Satisfied, you've torn away my will to live
    I wish that I was dreaming

    These dreams
    Of disillusion cause such pain
    But they're worth it all the same
    And for a moment, Oh that moment
    You say you love me, I'm in paradise again

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
  • Lemons Lemons

    You came to the party with that look on your face
    I'm just another conquest since my fall from grace
    Seems this direction is the same that you charted
    The same that you charted
    Charted so long ago

    I didn't know much about you when I first met you
    I reckon that I should have been warned
    It goes to show appearances can be deceptive
    And now I wish you'd never been born

    You came to the party just to laugh in my face
    You're just a heartless hunter, you enjoy the chase
    Seems that deception was a game that you started
    A game that you started
    Started playing long ago

    Didn't know you went through lovers like a box of matches
    Didn't know that you were twice my age
    Didn't know that you were up to your fourth address book
    And I was listed near the back page

    You went from the party leaving egg on my face
    You played your winning card and then you left the place
    Seems that Virginia was a name you discarded
    A name you discarded
    Discarded so long ago

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
  • Funeral Funeral

    So you thought you could see loving in her eyes
    That was her disguise, it's already fooled you
    She can get what she wants and she wants you next
    She's just oversexed and underfed too

    She's not the type of girl you're needing
    (I know what you need)
    She's not your class of girl at all

    She will gorge on the flesh and discard the shell
    And life after death is hell

    She took me in when I was young
    Filled up my life with song
    It only seems like yesterday
    I remember those games we played

    I've heard it said that love is kind
    It certainly left me blind
    I was left standing in the wings
    She went on to higher things

    She's a siren of doom and you've heard her voice
    You have little choice except to succumb
    You'll be in deeper water than you might think
    It's not hard to sink pinioned under her thumb

    It's all a question of domination
    (She'll dominate you)
    She has no sympathy at all

    I see history repeated before my eyes
    So take my advice Paul
    Or else it's your funeral!

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
  • The Blessed Son Of God The Blessed Son Of God

    Translation by Miles Coverdale of a hymn by Martin Luther

    The blessed son of God only
    In a crib full poor did lie;
    With our poor flesh and our poor blood
    Was clothed that everlasting good
    Kyrie eleison

    The Lord Christ Jesu, God's son dear
    Was a guest and a stranger here
    Us for to bring from misery
    That we might live eternally
    Kyrie eleison

    All this did he for us freely
    For to declare his great mercy
    All Christendom be merry therefore
    And give him thanks for evermore
    Kyrie eleison
  • The Torment The Torment

    Oh God, why can't they understand
    Why I must do what's planned for me
    They all love me but still
    There's an ache in my heart when I realise
    That the present is all I see in their eyes

    I've spent three heavy years of teaching,
    Will it all be in vain
    I've exhausted myself from the healing
    Disregarding the pain in my feet from life's travels
    And there's little time left for refreshing myself from my father's oasis

    Am I fulfilling my purpose
    Have I taught my disciples enough
    Will they be strong when the time comes
    Will they communicate my love to all lands
    Without being discouraged by prisons, derision and scorn
    And certain persecution

    But then, then I remember my father
    And I want his love to flow to the ones I love
    And that their sins might not be remembered
    And I'm happy to die
    For I love them much more than myself
    Let it be so

    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
  • Dried Arrangements Dried Arrangements

    Gee it must be real swell going out with a rock star (Uh Huh)
    Is The Bear really taking you out again tonight (Uh huh)
    By the way, how'd you meet him

    Corner shop meetings were fine for a while
    But then you got a hankering for Kentucky style
    And now it's only restaurants that make you smile
    What are you after, what are you after

    It seems to me you've changed a lot since I've been your man
    You were happy with my means when our involvement began
    But now you're asking me to give much more than I can
    What are you after, what are you after

    Would you still be attracted if I let my hair grow
    What are you after, what are you after
    Is it all the people that I happen to know
    What are you after, what are you after

    Stop! – is it me you love or is it just my money
    Stop! –hen file him in your catalogue with others you've met
    And the knowledge quickly spreads within the trendy set
    What are you after, what are you after

    Do you really need a brand new outfit each week
    What are you after, what are you after
    Life isn't easy when your wallet seems to leak
    What are you after, what are you after


    Though it may be a distasteful and destructive task
    I've just got to find the woman underneath the mask
    So here are several questions that I need to ask
    What are you after, what are you after


    Andrew James © Heartburst Music 1979
  • Raspberry Jam Raspberry Jam

Valerie (1987). Originally included on Bear's Greatest Hits Volume II. Written by Steve Winwood and Will Jennings Valerie

Written by Steve Winwood and Will Jennings

So wild, standing there, with her hands in her hair
I can't help remember just where she touched me
There's still no face here in her place
So cool, she was like jazz on a summer's day
Music, high and sweet, then she just blew away
No she can't be that warm with the wind in her arms

Valerie, call on me – call on me, Valerie
Come and see me – I'm the same boy I used to be

Love songs fill the night, but they don't tell it all
Not how lovers cry out just like they're dying
Her cries hang there in time somewhere
Someday, some good wind may blow her back to me
Some night I may hear her like she used to be
No it can't be that warm with the wind in her arms

Valerie, call on me – call on me, Valerie
Come and see me – I'm the same boy I used to be

So cool, she was like jazz on a summer's day
Music, high and sweet, then she just blew away
No she can't be that warm with the wind in her arms

Valerie, call on me – call on me, Valerie
Come and see me – I'm the same boy I used to be
  • Your Grace Still Amazes Me (2005). Originally included on Bear My Soul. Written by Cissy Padgett. Your Grace Still Amazes Me

    Written by Cissy Padgett

    My faithful father, enduring friend
    Your tender mercy's like a river with no end
    It overwhelms me, covers my sin
    Each time I come into your presence
    I stand in wonder once again

    Your grace still amazes me
    Your love is still a mystery
    Each day I fall on my knees
    'cause your grace still amazes me
    Your grace still amazes me

    O patient saviour, you make me whole
    You are the author and the healer of my soul
    What can I give you? Lord, what can I say
    I know there's no way to repay you
    Only to offer you my praise

    Your grace still amazes me
    Your love is still a mystery
    Each day I fall on my knees
    'cause your grace still amazes me
    Your grace still amazes me

    It's deeper, it's wider, it's stronger, it's higher
    It's deeper, it's wider, it's stronger, it's higher
    Than anything my eyes can see

    Your grace still amazes me
    Your love is still a mystery
    Each day I fall on my knees
    'cause your grace still amazes me
    Your grace still amazes me

  • You Are Everything (2017). Written by Linda Creed and Thomas Bell You Are Everything

       A song of love and loss. Funny how I get emotionally drawn to these.
       People have commented on YouTube that they have played this at their weddings.
       I don't know why - It's about a guy in emotional distress who can't get over a breakup.

    Today I saw somebody who looked just like you
    She walked like you do. I thought it was you
    As she turned the corner I called out your name
    I felt so ashamed when it wasn't you, wasn't you

       You are everything and everything is you
       You are everything and everything is you
       You are everything and everything is you

    How can I forget when each face that I see
    Brings back memories of being with you?
    I just can't go on living life as I do
    Comparing each girl with you
    Knowing they just won't do - they're not you

       You are everything and everything is you
       You are everything and everything is you
       You are everything and everything is you

    Linda Diane Creed / Thomas Randolph Bell © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc
  • Midnight Confessions (2018). Written by Lou T Josie. Midnight Confessions

       Another song of love and loss.
       Love the bass riff introduction which was possibly written by Lou Josie
       who wrote the song and managed the Evergreen Blues Band who recorded it first.
       The bass on the better known version by the Grass Roots, possibly played by
       the legendary Carol Kaye, is a note-for-note copy of the earlier recording.

    The sound of your footsteps
    Telling me that you're near
    Your soft gentle motion, babe
    It brings out a need in me that nobody hears, except

       In my midnight confessions
       When I tell all the world that I love you
       In my midnight confessions
       When I say all the things that I want to - I love you

    There's a little gold ring you wear on your hand makes me understand
    There's another before me, you'll never be mine, I'm wasting my time

    Staggering through the daytime
    Your image on my mind
    Passing so close beside you, babe
    Sometimes the feeling is so hard to hide, but

       In my midnight confessions
       When I tell all the world that I love you
       In my midnight confessions
       When I say all the things that I want to - I love you

    Lou T Josie
  • Tin Soldier (2018). Written by Steve Marriott/Ronnie Lane. Tin Soldier

    I am a little tin soldier
    That wants to jump into your fire
    You are a look in your eye
    A dream passing by in the sky
    Though I don't understand
    And all I need is treat me like a man
    'cause I ain't no child, take me like I am

       I got to know that I belong to you
       I do anything that you want me to
       I sing any song that you want me to sing to you

    I don't need no aggravation
    I just got to make you - Ha - got to listen
    I just got to make you - Yeah - my occupation

       I got to know that I belong to you
       I do anything that you want to do
       I sing any song that you want me to sing to you

    All I need is your whispered hello
    Smiles melting the snow, nothing heard
    Your eyes are deeper than time
    Say a love that won't rhyme without words
    So now I've lost my way
    I need help to show me things to say
    Just give me your love before mine fades away

       I got to know that I belong to you
       I do anything that you want to do
       I sing any song that you want me to sing to you

    Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Hey
    I just want some reaction
    Someone to give me satisfaction
    All I want to do is sit with you
    'cause I love you

    Steve Marriott/Ronnie Lane C 1967
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